#5 Give your thoughts on one or both of the following quotes.
“Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man.” ~Edward Steichen
I agree with this quote. Without photos we wouldn't have known about past beauty in nature due to weather, mankinds' destruction, etc. We couldn't learn about medicine, science and many other things that have enhanced our lives. Photos capture our history in a way that the written word can't express.
“I just think it's important to be direct and honest with people about why you're photographing them and what you're doing. After all, you are taking some of their soul.” ~Mary Ellen Mark
I believe this comment is subject to interpretation based on the belief in older days that people believed if you had your photo taken it took your soul. I do agree for the most part that if a person is unknown to the photographer they should be advised of the picture being shot, unless it's a large group and the picture is of an event that is public or is a natural setting such as a waterfall.
#6 In your opinion, when is it beneficial, ethical, or appropriate to digitally alter photographic portraits? I think it's appropriate when creating a senior picture or wedding photo or if there is a mark on the photo that affects the clarity of the image. These photos are created for a special day or occasion and people want to appear their best. When do you think it is inappropriate or ethically wrong?
I believe it's inappropriate when it changes the entirety of the picture or what it is supposed to be representing such as a specific product. It is unethical when done to harm someone for the purpose of making money or getting a photo printed for personal gain such as on the internet in a divorce action or similar situation.
#7 Pay close attention to the types and number of photographic portraits you see in one day. Where did you see them? How do you think that the content of the portrait changes based on the context in which you see the image (news, facebook, magazine, advertisement, television, youtube, etc)? In other words, what is the difference between the portraits you see on facebook vs. those on the news? On Facebook one will see a number of different portraits, funny, silly, sports or special occasions that people want to share. Television presents pictures that depict whatever is being sold or presented for the public to buy into the advertisement, whether it be movies or personal products. What is the difference between the “viewpoint” of the photographer in each situation? On Facebook the photographer generally isn't being serious with their photos, it's usually family and friends and meant to share their lives with others, photos in magazines generally are taken by professionals for a specific purpose. What is the difference between their “intents”? As stated above I believe the intention of the Facebook photographer is to depict events that occur in their lives while the intention of the photographer is to produce a photo that appeals to a specific audience or group that they would like to sell a product to.